Saturday, May 4, 2013

CARNAMA - Episode 30 - Difference between car polish and car wax !

CARNAMA – Episode 30 – Difference between Car Polish and Car Wax!

Hi friends, have you ever thought what is better to use on your car, polish or wax? Are they different or are they the same? Or is it a chalta hain attitude?

The answer is that car polish and car wax serve different purposes.

Polish is a slightly abrasive material which sands the surface of paint to smooth and allows it to shine.

Wax is a non-abrasive coating which protects the paint finish and fills in the dents in the paint to make it shine.

Putting car wax over a bad paint job will not enhance the appearance of the paint and therefore waxing should be the final work only.

Years of dirt, grime and sunlight can degrade the paint finish of a car. This can be repaired by polishing.

But beware, each time you polish your car, you are actually removing a small surface of paint and if you do this too often, you will end up having to re-spray the car.

Many scratches from keys, scrapes in car parking and other surface damages can be completely removed with polishing.

Thanks, end of Season 1 !